The Classics of Chinese medicine regard pulse diagnosis as the highest diagnostic skill. Even used alone, outside the Four Examinations system, the radial artery pulses offer a balanced understanding of the patterns and their predisposing conditions most involved in a disease or pain process. The 12 pulses are a window revealing the “inner weather” of health or disease.
This workshop will review the 28 “pulse images” and study the two main systems of Chinese pulse examination — the Han dynasty system found in the two classic texts, the Nan Jing and the Mai Jing, and the system found in the works of Ming dynasty author Li Shi Zhen.
Learn practical, clinically effective pulse diagnosis skills developed by Mr. Pomeroy in his 34 years of Chinese medical study and practice.
This course is open to both advanced practitioners and beginning students of Chinese medicine.
Prerequisite: Basic understanding of Chinese medical theory including yin yang theory, five-phase theory, Zangfu theory, Causes of disease theory, Channels & Collaterals.
Course Schedule
August 2 & 3
Cost: $275 Deposit: $100 (due before July 18th to save your place)
Please call for more information. (773) 281-4450
Learn classical Chinese medical theory and the intricacies of acupressure pointing technique.
Taught by: Justin Pomeroy
Acupressure is one of the 5 branches of Chinese Medicine: along with Acupuncture, herbal medicine, dietary medicine and Qi Gong. What sets it apart from the other four branches is the healing power of touch.
The Acupressure point-holding process accelerates healing by inviting awareness and deep relaxation while restoring balance and harmony to the body-mind-spirit
Acupressure is a truly holistic medicine offering a wide scope of practice: treating pain, stress, fatigue and a whole range of somatic disorders as well as psycho-emotional disorders. Additionally, acupressure works with the spiritual evolutionary process for both practitioner and recipient.
Courses will include: Yinyang and Five Elements theory, Zangfu (organ) theory, acu-point locations, Chinese physiology, patterns of disharmony, pulse diagnosis, acu-point categories and combinations, touch-pressure technique, channel theory and Qi Gong exercises.
This program is open to anyone interested in pursuing a career in alternative health care. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and in good general health.
Courses will be taught one weekend a month for 12 months.
Introductory Course: Acupressure 1—June 20, 21, 22, 2014. (This course is open to anyone interested in possibly enrolling)
Acupressure 2—July 18, 19, 20, 2014
Schedule of Courses:
Acupressure 1
Friday, June 20, 2014, from 7 to 10 pm
Saturday & Sunday, June 21 & 22, from 9 am to 5:30 pm
Cost: 300
Deposit: $100 (due before May 20th to save your place)
Acupressure 2
Friday, July 18, 2014, from 7 to 10 pm
July 19 & 20, from 9 am to 5:30 pm
Cost: 300
Deposit: $100 (due by July 10th)
Please call for more information and to either: sign up for the Introductory Workshop or to enroll in the whole program. (773) 281-4450.